The Oklahoma Bar Journal June 2024

JUNE 2024 | 19 THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL Statements or opinions expressed in the Oklahoma Bar Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff. (Section 122); 3) any alien who is or shall become a bona fide resident of Oklahoma can acquire and hold land in Oklahoma so long as they are a resident, but such resident alien must dispose of such land within five years of ceasing to be a resident (Section 122); 4) any nonresident alien acquiring land by “devise, descent or by purchase, where such purchase is made under any legal proceeding foreclosing liens in favor of such alien, may hold the same for five (5) years from the date of so acquiring such title” (Section 123) (but see the discussion of the constitutionality of this Section 123 below); 5) any alien holding title to land contrary to these statutes can convey “fee simple title” if done before escheat proceedings are begun, so long as not conveying to an alien or to a citizen of the U.S. in trust to evade these prohibitions (Section 124); 6) upon receiving information of land being held contrary to these provisions, the Oklahoma attorney general or the district attorney for the county where the