The Oklahoma Bar Journal June 2024

JUNE 2024 | 81 THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL It has been two decades since the last dues increase. In 2004, after 15 years of no increase, a 57% increase occurred. Today, 20 years later, we are looking at a 45% increase. Many of us practicing today have never seen a dues increase; this will certainly be my own first experience. However, these are the times we live in, and hard decisions must be made. I do not believe our beautiful bar center is a “money pit.” I believe it’s a symbol of our strong association, and it is worth investing in. Wouldn’t the most financially prudent approach be to “pay as we go” for these no-longer-optional repairs and upgrades, rather than dip into our strategic reserves? Wouldn’t our members prefer we take seriously our role as stewards of the association to remain on a solid financial footing, ensuring the health of our association for generations of young lawyers to come as we continue to fulfill our critical mission in advancing the administration of justice? I hope so. And I hope you will join me in supporting this increase when our House of Delegates makes its own decision next month during the Annual Meeting. To contact Executive Director Johnson, email her at ENDNOTES 1. Bob Burke and Renee DeMoss, “The History and Impact of the Oklahoma Bar Foundation,” OBJ, Vol. 94, No. 5 (May 2023). 2. James Piper, “Five Hidden Costs of Deferring Maintenance,”