THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL 88 | SEPTEMBER 2024 the Bryan County Bar Association president regarding the Annual Meeting and submission of delegate(s), as well as with Executive Director Johnson regarding the network issues that occurred. Governor Bracken reported he attended a Military Assistance Committee meeting and a Family Law Section meeting, where he discussed the Oklahoma Lawyers for America’s Heroes program and ways to improve it. He attended the Oklahoma Bar Foundation Trustee meeting, the Oklahoma County Bar Association Law Day Luncheon and a Canadian County Bar Association event. Governor Conner reported he attended the Garfield County Bar Association meeting. Governor Dow reported she attended the Family Law Section meeting, the Disaster Response and Relief Committee meeting, the Oklahoma County Bar Association Family Law Section meeting and the Mary Abbott Children’s House Board of Directors meeting. She assisted Lucas West with his application to fill her seat. Governor Hixon reported he attended the Tulsa County Bar Association Executive Committee meeting and Board of Directors meeting and approved the TCBA Golden Rule Award winner for the third quarter. Governor Knott reported by email she attended the Canadian County Bar Association meeting and presented a CLE program to the Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Section. Governor Oldfield reported he attended the Professionalism Committee meeting and the Kay County Bar Association meeting. Governor Rogers reported he attended the Tulsa County Bar Association Law Day Luncheon and accepted a nomination to serve on the TU College of Law Alumni Board of Directors. Governor Thurman reported he attended the Seminole County Bar Association’s Law Day event, a luncheon at the Pontotoc County Technology Center to promote enrollment and support and a meet and greet with the new city of Ada city manager. He also had a meeting with the Pontotoc County Bar Association officers. Governor Trevillion reported he attended the Oklahoma County Bar Association Board of Directors meeting and Law Day Luncheon, the Federal Bar Association White Collar Committee meeting and the ABA Midyear Tax Meeting. REPORT OF THE YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION Governor Talbert reported she and other OBA YLD officers recently attended the ABA YLD conference in Omaha, Nebraska, where they met with other state bars’ YLD members from across the country. REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL General Counsel Hendryx reported the Professional Responsibility Commission met in April, and she presented highlights from the written PRC report. A written report of PRC actions and OBA disciplinary matters for the month was submitted to the board for its review. BOARD LIAISON REPORTS Vice President Peckio reported Marcy Cottle, the facilitator who has been engaged by the Strategic Planning Committee, is holding conversations with OBA directors and reviewing recent membership surveys. A strategic planning retreat is planned for August. Governor Oldfield reported the Professionalism Committee met recently and is considering collaborating with tribal bar associations on professionalism matters. Governor Barbush said the Cannabis Law Committee is reaching out to relevant state agencies with the goal of greater involvement between them and the committee regarding activities and issues. Governor Ailles Bahm said the Lawyers Helping Lawyers Assistance Program Committee is continuing its work to better collaborate with leaders within the LHL Foundation and is planning to meet with them in June. Governor Bracken said John Cannon has Governor Dow reported the Disaster Response and Relief Committee is actively responding to current severe storm-related disasters within the state. She said 13 counties were recently impacted, with at least one more expected to be added to that list.