JANUARY 2025 | 75 THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL EDITORIAL CALENDAR If you would like to write an article on these topics, please contact the editor. FEBRUARY Military & Veterans Editor: Roy Tucker roy.tucker@oscn.net MARCH Cannabis Law Editor: Martha Rupp Carter mruppcarter@yahoo.com APRIL Alternative Dispute Resolution Editor: Evan Taylor tayl1256@gmail.com MAY Constitutional Law Editor: Melanie Wilson Rughani melanie.rughani@ crowedunlevy.com AUGUST Labor & Employment Editor: Sheila Southard SheilaSouthard@bbsmlaw.com SEPTEMBER Torts Editor: Magdalena Way magda@basslaw.net OCTOBER Immigration Law Editor: Norma Cossio ngc@mdpllc.com NOVEMBER Trial by Jury Editor: Roy Tucker roy.tucker@oscn.net DECEMBER Ethics & Professional Responsibility Editor: David Youngblood david@youngbloodatoka.com 2025 ISSUES 2026 ISSUES JANUARY Family Law FEBRUARY Criminal Law MARCH Business & Corporate Law APRIL Health Law MAY Insurance Law AUGUST Taxation SEPTEMBER Civil Procedure & Evidence OCTOBER Corporate Law NOVEMBER Appellate Practice DECEMBER Law Office Management Brian Brendan Tully of Phoenix died Aug. 22. He was born Aug. 10, 1954. Mr. Tully graduated from the TU College of Law. Terry Wayne Vanderpool of Jersey Village, Texas, died July 15. He was born Sept. 1, 1951, in Tulsa. After graduating from Will Rogers High School in 1969, Mr. Vanderpool joined the U.S. Army and served honorably in duty stations in El Paso, Texas, and Bavaria, West Germany. He graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso with a degree in metallurgical engineering in 1982 and received his J.D. from the Temple University Beasley School of Law in 2000.